
BC 83

Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹165.00.

साइटिका ड्रॉप
(Scitica Drops)

Properties: Scitica, scitica as a result of displacement of the vertebral disc, paraesthesia, formication in legs. nocturnal pain, violent pain that are aggravated by slightest movement and ameliorated by warm applications and pressure


Composition: Each 10ml contains, Colocynth 4X. Aconit Nap 4X, Gnaphalium 4X. Mag. Phos. 30X Rhus Tax 4X, Viscum Alb.3X Equal proportion Ethnol [contents 46%v/v. Aqua dist O.S

लक्षण सायटिक (नस का दर्द) कशेरूकीय चक्रों (Vertebral Disc) का अपने स्थान से हट जाने के कारण होने वाला साइटिका झुनझुनी पैरो में चींटी चलने जैसी अनुभूति रात्रिकालीन दर्द, तेज दर्द जो गति से बढ़े एंव गर्म पट्टी से आराम।

Properties: Scitica, scitica as a result of displacement of the vertebral disc, paraesthesia, formication in legs. nocturnal pain, violent pain that are aggravated by slightest movement and ameliorated by warm applications and pressure


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