
BC 68

Original price was: ₹195.00.Current price is: ₹165.00.

सिर दर्द एवं वात रोग
(Healache & Analgesic Drops)

Properties: _Headaches neuralgic pains, myalgic pains, vertigo occipital headache, algospasms, neuritis and neuralgic pains especially in face, migrane, headache of school going children..


Composition Each 10ml contains, Cinonthus V. G. Sanguinaria CQ. Lachnanthus TO, Glonine 30, Belladonna 30. Cyclemen 6, Spigellia A6, Cimicifuga 6 Equal proportion. Ethnol contents 44%v/v, Aqua. dist D.S.

लक्षण सिरदर्द वातशूलीय दर्द, मांसपेशियों का दर्द सिर चकराना, सिर के पीछले भाग में दर्द दर्दनाक ऐंठन स्नायु-प्रदाह, नाड़ी सम्बन्धी दर्द विशेषकर चेहर में, अर्धकपाली, स्कूली बच्चों का सिर दर्द।

Properties: _Headaches neuralgic pains, myalgic pains, vertigo occipital headache, algospasms, neuritis and neuralgic pains especially in face, migrane, headache of school going children..


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