
BC 57

Original price was: ₹195.00.Current price is: ₹165.00.

लीवर एवं पीत पथरी
(Liver & Gallbladder Drops)

Properties: Complaints of liver and gallbladder, calculi, disturbances of the billary secretion, hepatitis, swelling of the abdomen, constipation, weariness, irritation, cholangitis, enlargement of the liver.


Composition: Each 10ml contains, Cardus M 30. Chelidonium Q, Cholesterinum 30. Lycopodium 6, Colocynth 6, Nux Vom 30, china Off Q, Arsenic lod 3X, Cale Carb 6 Equal proportion Ethnol contents 46% v/v. Aqua. dist Q.S

लक्षण यकृत एवं पित्ताशय के रोग, पथरी, पित्त के स्त्राव में रूकावट, यकृत का प्रदाह, पेट में सूजन, कब्ज, बेचैनी, चिडचिडापन, पित्तनली का प्रदाह लीवर बढ़ना।

Properties: Complaints of liver and gallbladder, calculi, disturbances of the billary secretion, hepatitis, swelling of the abdomen, constipation, weariness, irritation, cholangitis, enlargement of the liver.


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