
BC 100

Original price was: ₹195.00.Current price is: ₹165.00.

स्पोंडिलाइटिस ड्रॉप्स
(Cervical Spondylitis Drops)


Properties: Stiffness in the neck and back, pain, one sided stiffness of neck, cervical spondylosis, Pain in spinal cord, stiffness in the nerve of neck, so that difficulty in the movement of neck, vertigo etc.


Composition: Each 10ml contains, Lachnanthes T 200, Sticta Pal 6, Phosphorus 6, Mag Phos 6, Silicea 6, Belladonna 6, Cale lod 6, Equal proportion, Ethnol contents 46%v/v, Aqua.dist Q.S

लक्षणः गर्दन व पीठ में अकड़न, दर्द, गर्दन का एक तरफ मुड़ जाना, सरवाईकल स्पोंडिलोसिक, मेरूदंद में दर्द, गर्दन की नस का जकड़ जाना जिसके कारण हिलने-डुलने में लकतीफ होना, चक्कर आना, आदि के लिए उपयोगी दवा।

Properties: Stiffness in the neck and back, pain, one sided stiffness of neck, cervical spondylosis, Pain in spinal cord, stiffness in the nerve of neck, so that difficulty in the movement of neck, vertigo etc.


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