
BC 77

Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.

कान सम्बन्धी रोग
(Earache Drops)

Properties: Pain in ear, burming, sticky discharge from ear, faul smell discharge. deafness, itching of ear, inflammation, soundness in ear (Tinnitus) and deafness due to cold.


Composition: Each 10ml contains, Kal, bich D6, Belladonna 6. Calc. Carb 6, Pulsatila 30. Heper Sulph. Equal proportion. Ethnol contents 46% v/v, Aqua. dist D.S

लक्षणः कान में दर्द, जलन, कान से चिपचिपा स्राव, कान का बहना, बदबुदार साव निकलना बहरापन कान की खुजली, सूजन, कान में आवाज सुनाई पड़ना एवं ठंड लगने के कारण बहरापन।

Properties: Pain in ear, burming, sticky discharge from ear, faul smell discharge. deafness, itching of ear, inflammation, soundness in ear (Tinnitus) and deafness due to cold.


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