
BC 66

Original price was: ₹180.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.

अंग में कंपन एवं नस नाड़ी रोग
(Chorea & Nerve Disease)

Properties: Nerves diseases, st, vitus dance, chorea, oversensitivity in the nervous system of children in nervous disease, irritation, restlessness, twitching, restlessness in the legs.


Composition: Each 10 ml contains, Zincum, V 30, Phosphorus 3X, Mag phos 3X, Lachesis 3X, Agricus mus. 3X Equal proportion. Ethnol contents 46%v/v, Aqua.dist Q.S

लक्षण नस नाडियों के रोग, नर्तन रोग, अंग कम्पन, बच्चों के तंत्रिका तंत्र की अतिसंवेदनशीलता, स्नायु रोग, चिडचिड़ापन, बेचैनी, ऐंठन, पैरों को लगातार हिलाना।

Properties: Nerves diseases, st, vitus dance, chorea, oversensitivity in the nervous system of children in nervous disease, irritation, restlessness, twitching, restlessness in the legs.


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